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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Volunteering at a Japanese Cultural event and meeting with Michiko Ono of MATSU KAZE

Edited post on the 22nd of August 2014 for the new tea blog

Then I volunteered for a Japanese event in Calgary last month and I learned how to mochi! They tasted so good! I tried to make some at home and they were better than I ever was able to make them. Thanks to their teaching me! (+1)

At the Japanese event I volunteered, I met with Michiko Ono again. She is the owner of Matsu Kaze, an online shop that specializes in Japanese tea. Last year, I enjoyed a Japanese tea tasting event with her. For some reason all the other guests didn't show up and it was just me and my husband. It was personal and we really enjoyed it! We brewed about 5 different green teas (plus delicious sweets) which got my husband really into tea now (yay! +1!). When we met this 2nd time, we talked about new arrivals on her website and I was pleased to learn most of the things I was eager to get will be there within a few months. I want a mini kyushu tea pot for making gyokuro tea (the smaller the teapot, the better!) and tea from a region in Japan where a volcano spreads its ashes on the leaves of the tea, giving it a peculiar taste. I'm thinking Nagoya, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. I'll write more on this once I get my hands on it. In the meantime, you can wait with me by looking at her shop from time to time. Here is the link: MATSU KAZE - Authentic Fine Japanese Green Tea
During the event, Michiko talked about the tea ceremony and it brought to mind the delicious Matcha tea I bought from her. Once her event was finished, I approached her and we talked about it. It's a Premium Matcha and has a very interesting taste. I thought that next time, I should do a review of this tea. If you are interested, it's the Premium Matcha on page 2 of her website, but there'll be time to check that in more details next time!

I wanted to review for you today Uji Sencha, but I just noticed, there is no info as to the year, region or farm it's from on the package. I fear it's not enough for me to write a good review for you guys if I don't even know where my tea comes from! Hopefully, I'll get the info soon.
Since this review is already written, I might do it before the Matcha one which has not been noted yet in my tea book. It's one thing to enjoy a tea, another to take the time to dutifully write notes about it. I'm much more of a slacker when it comes to just tasting the tea. I just enjoy sips and gulps. When I tea cup a tea, I slurp it from a spoon, then I try a sip from the cup as well as the impression is different with both techniques and I want to make sure I get the most information out of it. I also don't put so much attention into the aroma and colour when I just drink it normally. I could care less about the colour as long as it's not strange and for the smell, I just go "mmh~ Smells nice" which wouldn't be good in a review! Hehehe~

Sorry to disappoint you! I'll get to it once I get a reply from the website I bought it from!

See ya soon!

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